January 1970
NCD PREVENTION AND CONTROL FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE (UHC) Meeting with Regional, District and hospital officers in charge for UHC advocacy at all levels
Find out more »Promoting positive mental health, among adolescents, to decode the 5X5 matrix in India.
In an attempt to decode the 5X5 matrix, a group discussion on positive mental health will be held among approximately 400 school students. This discussion will attempt opening the doors of discussion between teachers and students to create a safe…
Find out more »Health Promotion: A Key Strategy in Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases Forum
This is a multisectoral forum that aims to tackle the importance of fully implementing the health promotion provisions of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law that was passed this year. The activity will also affirm the commitment of the Healthy…
Find out more »Lifestyle for Healthy Living
Four activities in all are planned for the 2019 Global week of action for NCDs which are, media outreach, FGD with persons living with NCDs, advocacy to key stakeholders and youth engagement. The Media Outreach comes up on day 1.…
Find out more »Friends of Cancer Patients UAE efforts on bringing awareness to UHC
Throughout the Global Week for Action on NCDs, Friends of Cancer Patients team members will highlight the importance of UHC and how FOCP is raising awareness on the matter.
Find out more »Ttobacco Use Online Petition
Tobacco use is a major risk factor for Non-Communicable Diseases and is responsible for most preventable deaths globally. We are calling upon the Supreme Court of Kenya to conclude on the case against the Tobacco Control Regulations filed by the…
Find out more »May 2018
Walk The Talk in India on 20 and 21 May
As part of celebrations of the World Health Organization’s 70th anniversary in 2018, WHO is staging a major health promotion event in Geneva on the eve of the 71st World Health Assembly. For those who can't be in Geneva, WALK…
Find out more »WHO Walk The Talk: The Health for All Challenge
As part of celebrations of the World Health Organization’s 70th anniversary in 2018, WHO is staging a major health promotion event in Geneva on the eve of the 71st World Health Assembly. The free walk/run event, titled Walk the Talk:…
Find out more »71st World Health Assembly
The World Health Assembly is the main decision-making body of the WHO comprising health ministers from 194 member states, and meets once a year in May. Progress against the global NCD targets and Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020 is reviewed…
Find out more »June 2018
Day of digital activation for NCDs: 14 June
Our day of digital activation for NCDs pivots around engaging as many people as possible to THUNDERCLAP and connect through your twitter or facebook profile. A message of solidarity will be shared alongside those of hundreds of other NCD advocates on Thursday…
Find out more »July 2018
Interactive Hearing in Advance of the UN HLM on NCDs
As part of the preparatory process for the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, the President of the General Assembly, with the support of the World Health Organization, will organize and preside over an interactive hearing with the active participation of…
Find out more »September 2018
Global Week for Action on NCDs
With the digital world switched on to talk about NCDs, the first Global Week for Action on NCDs - from Monday 3 September to Sunday 9 September - will provide everyone, everywhere the opportunity to mobilise on the ground in…
Find out more »UNGA and HLM3 NCD-related Side Events
Dozens of NCD-related official and unofficial side events are set to take place in New York during the UN General Assembly and around the 3rd UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs. By clicking on the image of the calendar below, please…
Find out more »Third UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs
This one-day high-level meeting, on the third day of its seventy-third session of the UN General Assembly, will undertake a comprehensive review of the NCDs, with the overall theme being “Scaling up multi-stakeholder and multisectoral responses for the prevention and…
Find out more »August 2019
Addressing policy makes: Women living with NCD and journalists saying ENOUGH
Have the PLWNCD advocacy group meet with media, local, and national officials in order to raise awareness and lobby for integrating NCD prevention, screening, and treatment into reproductive health services and advocating for UHC
Find out more »Awareness Programmes on Stroke.
Dr Bindu Menon foundation regularly conduct awareness programmes on stroke and epilepsy.We have completed 116 awareness programme in schools, colleges and social organisations educating more than 20,000 people till now.
Find out more »Promoting physical activity through Yoga to say #enoughNCDs in India
Healthy India Alliance in collaboration with St. Mary's School is organising a set of activities to observe the 2nd Global Week for Action at New Delhi, India. August 31, 2019 marks the launch of this campaign, and will be commomerated…
Find out more »Type 1 diabetes education: Bringing healthy back
An informed, empowered and activated patient is the foundation for successful diabetes management. Unfortunately, credible information is often so inaccessible while misinformation thrives and grows like a wild fire. Bringing patients together to learn valuable credible information on which to…
Find out more »Press Conference to launch of the National High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases in lead up to the UN High Level Meeting on UHC
Ahead of the United Nations High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage on 23rd September, the Ghana NCD Alliance will host a national meeting is to discuss challenges and priorities of Ghanaians within the context of NCDs and provide concrete…
Find out more »Community Fun Day Screening
People living with Non-Communicable Diseases (PLWNCDs) will sensitize selected community health volunteers (CHVs) from Kariobangi, Nairobi, and accompany them on household visits to disseminate information on NCDs and UHC. The PLWNCDs and CHVs will also sensitize community members on NCDs,…
Find out more »NCD Cafe at the ESC Congress
Join us during lunch time from 31 August-3 September at the Global Exchange Area of the ESC Congress 2019 together with World Congress of Cardiology for these informal and interactive discussions on NCDs, with a particular focus on cardiovascular disease…
Find out more »September 2019
World Alzheimer’s Month
Events for World Alzheimer's Month will be taking place throughout September under the theme of 'Let's Talk About Dementia'. Each year, Alzheimer associations from around the world unite to organise advocacy and information provision events, as well as Memory Walks…
Find out more »Global Week for Action on NCDs
The 2nd Global Week for Action on NCDs, 2-8th September 2019, will focus on Ensuring Healthy Lives for All: NCDs and Universal Health Coverage - in advance of the first High-Level Meeting on UHC late in September 2019. Unified we will mobilise…
Find out more »Media & Youth engagement in prevention and control of NCDs.
With the accumulated experience from first global week for actions organized by Rwanda NCD Alliance in Rwanda in 2018, Rwanda NCDA dedicated one week long (2nd -8th September 2019) for media and youth engagement in prevention and control of NCDs.…
Find out more »Community Life After Stroke Program (CLASP)
SASNET GHANA will start the phase 1 of the CLASP in the Volta region for persons living with stroke in Ghana the deprived communities who are unable to access rehabilitation and Stroke to improve their condition.
Find out more »NCD Prevention Through a Healthy Lifestyle Video Series
Healthify Africa, is tackling the growing problem of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) In Africa by conducting a live video series to be shared on the platform during the Global Week for Action on NCDs. We focus on the consumption of 400 grams…
Find out more »Galvanizing Commitment for the Fight Against NCDs In Cameroon
1. From 3rd to 5th September 2019:Diabetes and Hypertension peer educators to pay a visit to the municipal council to crave their indulgence on the dangers of tobacco consumption in any form and secondary smoking, while proposing smoke free zones…
Find out more »Media advocacy and workplace awareness
Successive interviews in different media channels and social media channels with Egyptian Alliance members and PLWNCDs with success stories. We will conduct and participate in 2 events in Pfizer company for Employee and in street Cycling event.
Find out more »A fruit basket against unhealthy foods and beverages in India.
Young students aged 5-7 years were engaged in a fruit basket making activity. Children were involved in drawing a fruit basket with maximum number of colours (displaying maximum number of fruit varieties, possibly their favorite fruits) to take their time…
Find out more »Launch of the Essential Nutrition Actions: mainstreaming nutrition through the life-course
This new report outlines nutrition actions to improve health at every stage of life. Press release will be disseminated on the day of the launch. Tune in to learn more!Livestreamed Wednesday, September 4, 2019 11:30 am Europe Summer Time (Brussels,…
Find out more »Physical activities school gala
Having a school gala to raise awareness about the benefits of physical activities
Find out more »Investing in NCD prevention and control, keys to achieving Ghana’s Health Care for All.
The overall objective of the national meeting is to discuss challenges and priorities of Ghanaians within the context of NCDs and provide concrete policy actions and recommendations to addresse NCDs in the lead up to the UN High Level Meeting…
Find out more »Creating student NCD champions: Peer to peer education and awareness training
Educate young school girls to be NCD champions and have them travel to other schools in Dar es Salaam to raise awareness and empower their peers to take personal action in minimizing the prevalence non-communicable diseases and improve their reproductive…
Find out more »Shohratagrh Environmental Society
We are going to organize several community meeting to aware them on noncommunicable disease
Find out more »World Cancer Day 2020: Facebook Live broadcast
Join the UICC team and our members from the Cancer Association of South Africa and the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon who will offer an inside look into what goes into their World Cancer Day planning. Watch live at Facebook.com/worldcancerday…
Find out more »NCDs Summer Camp
1. According to the study done for 105 physicians to determine if they were able to take care of epilepsy, only 49, 5 % were able to give the true definition of this disease. Thus, insufficient information in healthcare will…
Find out more »Vital Strategies invites you to our next Vital Talks breakfast event: Alcohol and Development.
Join Dutch journalist and author Olivier van Beemen in a conversation with David Jernigan, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Health Law, Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health. Beemen, whose book, “Heineken in Africa,” was recently translated into…
Find out more »CANSA Call for action on NCDs
Cancer Association of South Africa is calling on all stakeholders involved with NCDs and the Health Department to partner with us in calling ALL our community members, including school children to come on the 6th September to be educated about…
Find out more »Joint Session on Strengthening Inter-Professional Collaboration: Models to Improve the Prevention And Control Of Oral Diseases And Other NCDs
FDI, NCDA and the WHO will host a joint session on 6 September at the ADA FDI World Dental Congress in San Francisco, USA. The session, Strengthening inter-professional collaboration: Integrated models of care for oral health and NCDs, will explore…
Find out more »ERTIQAA ‘s “Everyone’s right to health” الصحة حق للجميع
We are having Health Awareness lectures on Diabetes & Cancer Prevention in Amman , followed by 6 lectures at villages in Goverorates of Al Balqaa' and Al Karak, South of Jordan. A two day WALK starting in Amman where our…
Find out more »NCD Alliance Sri Lanka
In light of the Global Week for Action on NCDs, the NCD Alliance Sri Lanka organized community gathering, community screening and media launchColombo, Sri Lanka
Find out more »Diet and its Effect on the Management of Diabetes
To enlighten the people on the importance of diet to avoid amputations. There will be free screening and sensitization. 500 people are estimated to be reached. by Doctors, nutritionist, lab technicians. There will be a nutritionist to demonstrate healthy foods for diabetes. Orthopaedic Doctor will be giving a lecture on the implication…
Find out more »Caminata Nórdica Uruguay
Caminata nórdica todas las tardes de la 2nd Global Week for Action on NCDs, 2-8th September 2019. Grupos de caminata nórdica en Montevideo, Uruguay.
Find out more »Roundtable: Acting early, saving lives: Prevention and promotion as key aspects of universal health coverage
UHC means that all people and communities can access the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user…
Find out more »October 2019
World Thrombosis Day Campaign
The World Thrombosis Day campaign is dedicated to working together to beat NCDs. We seek to increase global awareness of thrombosis and reduce death and disability from the condition.
Find out more »September 2020
Global Week for Action on NCDs 2020
The 3rd Global Week for Action on NCDs will take place 7th - 13th September 2020. Save the date and watch this space!
Find out more »