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Less Than 1 Month To Be Heard: High-Level Meeting On NCDs

Less than 1 month to be heard: High-Level Meeting on NCDs

The countdown has begun to the 3rd UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs. It’s time to get really, really busy. Here are a few suggestions:

Week of 10 September

  • WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol

17-21 September

  • WHO NCD Country Profiles
  • WHO Global Status Report on TB
  • NCD Countdown 2030 (focused on NCD mortality trends).

23-28 September

  • Tobacco Free Finance Pledge launch
  • SDG Gender Index Pilot framework – Equal Measures 2030
  • Young People’s Agenda – UNICEF
  • Alcohol control SAFER launch
  • Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health


Contact [email protected] for more info.