Together we call for our right to health and say ENOUGH
During the Global Week for Action between 2-8 September the NCD movement will raise their voices, unified in solidarity saying ENOUGH. and calling for governments to deliver healthy lives for all.
We will call for further action on NCD prevention and control. You can easily be a part of this global campaign for health.
Have you too had ENOUGH of your government making commitments but not following up with action that actually improves all lives?
Over 50 individuals have added their voices to the Map of Impact to speak up on NCDs and for Universal Health Coverage that delivers healthy lives for all – is your country covered?
#NCDVoices matter – 5 easy ways to join in:
- Join the movement by exploring and adding to the Map of Impact. – GO TO MAP
- You are a voice of change! Read others‘ and share your own lived experience with the world! Put your message on the Map of Impact! SHARE YOUR VOICE
- Join us on social media with #NCDVoices and #enoughNCDs – copy and paste the text below or CLICK HERE TO TWEET
- I’m a Voice of Change, standing with NCD Alliance and the NCD movement demanding our health. our right. right now. and saying ENOUGH. of preventable suffering. It’s time to act on NCDs and Health For All. Join us: #NCDvoices #enoughNCDs https://enoughncds.com/2019_standwithme
- Tell your government: ENOUGH.Promote and share the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs. SEE MORE IDEAS
- Engage in community activities – get in touch with your local NCD alliance for speaking and advocacy opportunities SEE ALL EVENTS
Follow @ncdalliance on twitter, facebook and instagram for updates
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The 2nd Global Week for Action on Noncommunicable Diseases is 2-8 September themed Ensuring Healthy Lives for All: NCDs & Universal Health Coverage. Join the action & have an impact – #enoughNCDs #HealthForAll #NCDvoices #NCDs in #UHC @ncdalliance enoughncds.com/2019_standwithus1
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