WHO’s Walk the Talk: Wow!
A larger than expected, very enthusiastic crowd hit the streets of Geneva on 20 May, on the eve of the World Health Assembly (WHA), for the World Health Organization’s first Walk the Talk: the Health Challenge for All.
Before the action began, more than 100 participants stopped by the NCD Alliance booth to check out our cool swag and learn more about the Enough campaign. Members of the NCDA Board and NGOs then joined the NCDA to get active on one of the three routes through the city: 3 km, 5 km, and 8 km.
Indian students get active
In India, HRIDAY, a member organisation of the Healthy India Alliance, organised Youth Walk The Talk events in partnership with St. Mary’s School, Dwarka (Sunday) and Evergreen Secondary School, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi (Monday).
Senior officials from the WHO Regional Office for the South-East Asia Region (SEARO) and the WHO Country Office for India were present to motivate the walkers and endorse the need to prioritise concerted action to address NCDs.
Participants also endorsed and supported NCDA’s ENOUGH campaign, on the ground and online. They were motivated to become change agents and to act on ensuring that action on NCDs is prioritised at all levels and across sectors in the country.
Policy actions they were urged to advocate for include:
- eliminating exposure to unhealthy food and beverage advertisements and marketing
- implementing comprehensive alcohol control policy in the country
- promoting physical activity for children and adolescents in schools as well in daily living
- adopting smart fiscal policies to make unhealthy products unaffordable and
- improving access for healthy food items.