Week for Action energizes NCD community ahead of HLM on NCDs
Participation online for the first Global Week for Action on NCDs (3-9 Sept., 2018) was astounding, while creativity was the hallmark of activities on the ground.
On Twitter, more than 1,200 contributors in over 80 countries produced in excess of 3,100 tweets using the #enoughNCDs hashtag, reaching more than 4 million people!
On the ground, activities included:
- Talk programmes broadcast on television (Maldives) and Facebook live (Vietnam)
- Collection of signatures on a petition concerning youth and #NCDs (India)
- Creation of posters on NCDs using the ENOUGH campaign branding (including by the UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition, UNSCN).
While the level of activity was inspiring, perhaps the most positive outcome of the week was a strengthened sense of grassroots activism worldwide.
As one advocate explained online: “We are only getting started this week NCD Alliance! The momentum to beatNCDs will continue beyond a week. We’ve had enough of NCDs; we are building our campaign.”