It’s time to Act on NCDs!
Third Global Week for Action on NCDs • 7-13th September 2020
Read the latest news and stay tuned for more information
Explore the website to learn about the 2nd Global Week for Action on NCDs in 2019
Unified we are mobilising to say ENOUGH. and demand Our Health. Our Right. Right Now. Our focus is on Ensuring Healthy Lives for All: NCDs and Universal Health Coverage. This is in advance of the first UN High-Level Meeting on UHC. The Global Week for Action on NCDs is an opportunity to talk to each other, to leaders, to media, to crowds, to the world about the importance of integrating NCDs across all aspects of UHC. We are reiterating the need for governments to act on commitments to improve health for all through NCD prevention and control. This results in the improvement of the lives of all people, in every city and every village. The opportunities are endless. The week is your chance to do something achievable and impactful where you live that is linked to a global movement.
Check out the 2019 ENOUGH. MAP of IMPACT>>

To ensure the most successful High-Level Meeting (HLM) possible, we advocate for the participation of Heads of State and Government throughout the UN HLM process and at the HLM, and an action oriented Outcome Document that includes commitments relating to the following priorities:
Community and political leaders, celebrities and respected influencers from all sectors and fields are joining the movement to draw a line in the sand and say ‘enough is enough’. NCD champions are stepping up to the challenge to raise awareness, motivate investment, and inspire and commit to political action to reverse the trajectory of NCD burden.