Final Text of the Political Declaration for the 2018 High-Level Meeting on NCDs
The Political Declaration for the HLM on NCDs was finally agreed by Member States in New York and will now be transmitted for approval by Heads of State and Government at the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs on 27 September.
Approval was delayed by disagreement over 1 of the 34 paragraphs of the document, which deals with The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). These are flexibilities in intellectual property rules on essential medicines, which governments can use to safeguard public health.
– The final version (dated 17 October following adoption by the General Assembly) is available here (English, French, Spanish, Chines, Arabic, Russian)
– Download the text submitted to Member States during the mandatory ‘silence procedure’
While there are some positives in the Political Document, NCD Alliance’s disappointment and concerns remain. Read the NCD Alliance critique of the draft Political Declaration.
“Ensuring healthy lives for the world’s people now depends on leaders determined to carry the baton by prioritising optimal health for all people and fully grasping that the HLM must be a transition point from commitment to action which goes well beyond the minimal standards set out in the text of the Political Declaration”. – Katie Dain, CEO, NCD Alliance
– Follow our live updates from the HLM and the rest of the UN General Assembly on Twitter: @ncdalliance.