ENOUGH. Guides to Planning Your 2019 Global Week for Action on NCDs
Need a little help planning and coordinating your activities and communications during the Global Week for Action on NCDs? This set of handy guides and check-lists can help you out – click on the links for tips.
The Global Week for Action on Noncommunicable Diseases takes place annually in the first full week of September, and is coordinated by the NCD Alliance. This impactful event is held within the unifying ENOUGH. campaign. There is a different theme each year.

Guide 1: About the 2019 Global Week for Action on NCDs: Theme, Opportunity, Aims and Coordination
In 2018 the first Global Week for Action on NCDs focused on the broad Our Health. Our Right. Right Now. theme, in front of the third United Nations High- Level Meeting on NCDs. The 2019 theme is Ensuring healthy lives for all: NCDs and Universal Health Coverage, to ensure NCD dimensions and priorities are integrated into universal health coverage.

This guide provides an overview of communications opportunities from including engaging journalists and media, making the most of social media, and a checklist for you to plan and prepare your communications before, during and after the Global Week for Action on NCDs.

Guide 3: Tips for organizing small yet impactful activities
Large public events, like fun runs and flash-mobs can be great, but sometimes you can only manage or need smaller activities. Here are a few key tips on a selection of alternative activities you could organise for your Global Week for Action on NCDs which can meet your objectives, add to the movement’s momentum, and have an impact. The document outlines options for ministerial or other high-level meetings or briefings, focus group discussions, health promotion booths, ways to engage youth, and examples from previous Global Week for Action on NCDs activities.